Sundance with Dor & Shiri 2007

Movie reviews! Celebrity Sightings! Photos! Sleep- deprived ramblings from your favorite road warriors!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Latest

We are exhausted! I will try to catch up.

We saw the Anthony Hopkins movie. He was in attendance of course, which ruled. The film itself was super trippy.  Kind of like Mulholland Drive meets The Wizard of Oz meets some weird wacky experimental short. But GOOD! Weeeeird. The Q and A was one of the most enjoyable in Sundance History, for me. He talked about how he basically wrote it as a creative joke and never thought it would even get made.  He mentioned he wanted to break the rules. "What do you mean we can't edit like that? Who says? SAYS WHO?" He was incredibly charismatic and well-spoken.

Next, we tried and failed to get into Joshua at the Raquet Club. Soooo freezing cold out at that point. We hauled our defeated selves back home and made a pizza.

We had planned to try and see the new Araki, Smiley Face, but Tim told us that two and a half hours before show time, they had already given out 200 waitlist numbers. We did not want a repeat of the night before (The Ten) so we changed our minds and decided to see something we'd definitely get into.

So, tha made our last film of the day a Norwegian flick called Reprise, about two lifelong friends in their twenties - writers who are struggling with their place in the literary world and the social sphere - friends, lovers, and even their own sanity. Pretty good stuff.


  • At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mulholland dr meets wizard of oz?!!!

    sounds like my DREAM MOVIE!!!



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